
False promise of a promotion

My industry is small and I am still waiting to here back from interviews so I have to be vague. I got hired to a new-to-me industry after burning out and being unhappy with my prior career. I am starting off this new career literally at rock bottom doing hourly work that involves minimal intelligence (literally a glorified janitor except I clean pee and exam rooms) whereas before if a coworker wanted a half-hour of my time for my input they would need to schedule a meeting. My current job is generally decent since I get required experience hours while still having the flexibility to attend college full-time since I have to fulfill some classes before I can apply for advanced degree schools. I fucking zen while cleaning. However some way or another I became expected to do more and more tasks outside of my job description because I pick…

My industry is small and I am still waiting to here back from interviews so I have to be vague.

I got hired to a new-to-me industry after burning out and being unhappy with my prior career. I am starting off this new career literally at rock bottom doing hourly work that involves minimal intelligence (literally a glorified janitor except I clean pee and exam rooms) whereas before if a coworker wanted a half-hour of my time for my input they would need to schedule a meeting.

My current job is generally decent since I get required experience hours while still having the flexibility to attend college full-time since I have to fulfill some classes before I can apply for advanced degree schools.

I fucking zen while cleaning. However some way or another I became expected to do more and more tasks outside of my job description because I pick up on things quickly and I feel bad when coworkers fall behind on things I could help with.

I reach out to my manager about this and they said they would prioritize me for promotion. However, weeks go by and I’m busting ass and I find out that the promotion is not going to happen anytime soon.

I told my manager that I’m done doing work above my pay grade if the promotion is not going to happen and suddenly they try to direct things back to me saying that I have already set the expectation with my coworkers that I do XYZ things so it would be confusing if I suddenly stop.

I’m happy to be your cleaning lady if that’s want. If you want more than that you better fucking pay up or fire me and hire some other idiot.

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