
Family Pressure???

Does anyone here feel pressure from their family/parents who maybe have high paying “careers” or that are super advanced in their field? Like I dont want that. Its not for me. Its not for a lot of people and THATS OKAY. I fight the constant societal pressure of feeling like a “failure” for hating working in general and now from people who are supposed to unconditionally love me too? Not everyone wants. a. fucking. “career”. Why am I inherently lazy or “wrong” because I don't want that kind of pressure simply to pay for food and housing? My passion is policy and non profit but unless I plan on working with congress or for the some global NP then it won't be meaningful or I won't make enough in their eyes. There are a million things and ways I'd love to advance society, most feel impossible with the state of…

Does anyone here feel pressure from their family/parents who maybe have high paying “careers” or that are super advanced in their field?

Like I dont want that. Its not for me. Its not for a lot of people and THATS OKAY. I fight the constant societal pressure of feeling like a “failure” for hating working in general and now from people who are supposed to unconditionally love me too? Not everyone wants. a. fucking. “career”.

Why am I inherently lazy or “wrong” because I don't want that kind of pressure simply to pay for food and housing? My passion is policy and non profit but unless I plan on working with congress or for the some global NP then it won't be meaningful or I won't make enough in their eyes.

There are a million things and ways I'd love to advance society, most feel impossible with the state of the world and the ones that might not be wouldn't allow me to pay rent with two roommates even an hour from their location.

It just frustrates me as a young adult trying to navigate in this shitty trying time and to also have that kind of mindset. I started a job in feb of this year and every time I see my dad he asks what my plans are for my next steps???? what??????? what if i dont want to fucking advance? what if i dont want to be in charge of other people and be my companies personal punching bag at a “hIgHeR lEvEl”

This might not be for this sub but its the only one I really follow like this so i just wanted to know if i was alone or not.

fuck. working.

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