
Favoritism in the workplace.

I am a supervisor at my company. One of my peers (also a supervisor but very young) has been showing a lot of favoritism to certain associates. Prior to him becoming a supe, my teammates and I all made sure we had informal chats with him about avoiding these pitfalls and situations. We have multiple qualified associates that are interested in a leadership position. However, this guy will take people from his little crew that are not qualified and focus all of his attention and training on them and completely disregard the other associates. I’ve kind of looked the other way for the most part. I’ve told him my concerns about how this may look to the rest of the employees. I am not here to tell him how to do his job (which he does pretty well) tho. The thing is, there is a lot of talk on the…

I am a supervisor at my company. One of my peers (also a supervisor but very young) has been showing a lot of favoritism to certain associates. Prior to him becoming a supe, my teammates and I all made sure we had informal chats with him about avoiding these pitfalls and situations. We have multiple qualified associates that are interested in a leadership position. However, this guy will take people from his little crew that are not qualified and focus all of his attention and training on them and completely disregard the other associates. I’ve kind of looked the other way for the most part. I’ve told him my concerns about how this may look to the rest of the employees. I am not here to tell him how to do his job (which he does pretty well) tho. The thing is, there is a lot of talk on the floor and some of our employees have even pulled me into 1:1 meetings to express their frustration. I even learned that he has been manipulating data to keep an employee( that he has a crush on) on board even though this guy wasn’t hitting his performance goals. The employee that I spoke with has documentation of the changes she was asked to make to hide this guy’s errors. I plan on going to HR to let them know what I was told by our employees. I am really worried that there will be retaliation against me. Are there laws that protect me. I don’t dislike any of these people. I just see a whole lot of unprofessional behavior that I feel needs to be corrected. Thanks for letting me rant. Feel free to ask any questions.

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