
FED interest rate policy is union-busting policy

That’s it. The second workers in this country demonstrate power and organization and gain some small amount of wage growth….the FED steps in and destroys the economy with high interest rates. This drives up prices and fleeces us regular people of any accumulated savings. The recession to come will eliminate jobs and return power to the employers. This is not an accident. Prices will never return to pre-inflation levels. They will be not drop to a level where common people can barely afford to live. When we hit the bottom, they will begin printing money again and lending it to the big companies that survived the downturn. This pending will yet again allow the powerful and connected to buy more assets, to control more markets, to accumulate more wealth. Every recession we have in this modern economy is caused by the ultra wealthy crushing the populace intentionally by increasing interest…

That’s it. The second workers in this country demonstrate power and organization and gain some small amount of wage growth….the FED steps in and destroys the economy with high interest rates.

This drives up prices and fleeces us regular people of any accumulated savings.

The recession to come will eliminate jobs and return power to the employers. This is not an accident.

Prices will never return to pre-inflation levels. They will be not drop to a level where common people can barely afford to live.

When we hit the bottom, they will begin printing money again and lending it to the big companies that survived the downturn.

This pending will yet again allow the powerful and connected to buy more assets, to control more markets, to accumulate more wealth.

Every recession we have in this modern economy is caused by the ultra wealthy crushing the populace intentionally by increasing interest rates in order to reset the balance of power in their favor.

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