
Fedex is trash

In my line of work l have to ship a lot of stuff. We use Fedex, so I’m frequently there shipping off dozens of heavy totes every week. And do you want to know who handles these shipments? A 73 year old woman. She has to lift and organize these totes, which are often over 80 pounds (36 kg). Of course l help her move what l bring in, but it just makes me think of her day to day labor. She has been working there over 20 years. 20 years of back-breaking manual labor. Like, shit Fedex, you can’t throw this woman a halfway decent retirement plan? She’s 8 years past the age of retirement. You haven’t gotten enough out of her? If l was a manager and had a literal geriatric handling thousands of pounds of shipments a day, l would seriously reconsider my position. It frustrates the…

In my line of work l have to ship a lot of stuff. We use Fedex, so I’m frequently there shipping off dozens of heavy totes every week. And do you want to know who handles these shipments? A 73 year old woman. She has to lift and organize these totes, which are often over 80 pounds (36 kg). Of course l help her move what l bring in, but it just makes me think of her day to day labor. She has been working there over 20 years. 20 years of back-breaking manual labor. Like, shit Fedex, you can’t throw this woman a halfway decent retirement plan? She’s 8 years past the age of retirement. You haven’t gotten enough out of her? If l was a manager and had a literal geriatric handling thousands of pounds of shipments a day, l would seriously reconsider my position. It frustrates the hell out of me to think of all the young men in suits, sitting in office rooms, making shittons of money off of this woman’s labor. Shame on you Fedex, let your employees retire comfortably and with dignity, you fucking cowards.

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