
Feeling hopeless

Discovered this sub recently and thought this would fit here. I accepted this bank job 4 months ago, I was told how it would be a great opportunity and I ate it all up. 4 months later and it's just been hell. I dread waking up to go in the morning, some days I just kinda lay on the floor contemplating until I eventually go in 20 mins late. I've also had a history of mental health problems but I think this job has made them even worse. I recently got diagnosed with severe depression and psychosis and will need to be on medication for a while. I wanna call in sick or something some days but I work with someone and I know if I'm not there everything will pile up on him because management really doesn't give a fuck. I already see how much he cracks under the…

Discovered this sub recently and thought this would fit here. I accepted this bank job 4 months ago, I was told how it would be a great opportunity and I ate it all up. 4 months later and it's just been hell. I dread waking up to go in the morning, some days I just kinda lay on the floor contemplating until I eventually go in 20 mins late. I've also had a history of mental health problems but I think this job has made them even worse. I recently got diagnosed with severe depression and psychosis and will need to be on medication for a while. I wanna call in sick or something some days but I work with someone and I know if I'm not there everything will pile up on him because management really doesn't give a fuck. I already see how much he cracks under the stress some days so I can't even imagine how he'd manage if I'm not there. My contact ends in October of this year but I really don't know if I can keep my shit together until then. I feel like a zombie, I don't hang out with my friends anymore, my girlfriend left me, I don't go out, I feel so drained I just spend all my free time in bed. I'm not sure what to do.

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