
Feeling Lost and Angry

Not sure how to put this but lately I have been feeling like I want to quit my job and I am having a hard time figuring out exactly why. So, here is the run down…… I was hired on almost 2 years ago and I loved it. The team I was with was great and I was learning a lot (I work in construction and as a safety manager). We would do team outings and the hours were pretty decent (40-50 hours salary). After the job was completed I was put on with another team and my role consisted on managing other safety reps as well as the safety lead on-site. The team was good and I learned a lot on the project as well. After that job was completed there was punch list items (checks/QC) that’s needed to be done and safety needed to be on-site. So, over…

Not sure how to put this but lately I have been feeling like I want to quit my job and I am having a hard time figuring out exactly why.

So, here is the run down…… I was hired on almost 2 years ago and I loved it. The team I was with was great and I was learning a lot (I work in construction and as a safety manager). We would do team outings and the hours were pretty decent (40-50 hours salary). After the job was completed I was put on with another team and my role consisted on managing other safety reps as well as the safety lead on-site. The team was good and I learned a lot on the project as well.

After that job was completed there was punch list items (checks/QC) that’s needed to be done and safety needed to be on-site. So, over the course of 7-8 months I have been barely doing anything. It’s been soooo slow that I have playing video games at work in my office to pass the time. I am basically a glorified baby sitter and get paid to be there for the jobs contract.

So, as you can imagine the other individuals who I work with (1 in particular) has been talking behind my back saying I’m lazy and I don’t want to work, even though there is nothing for me to do. I honestly didn’t care in the beginning (was annoying to hear some one is 10 years less experienced then me in a different job scope tell me how I am lazy).

Now in the past 2 weeks I have started to grown to hate my job. The work is some what starting to pick up and I am finally getting to do my job again but I can’t help but feel resentful and frustrated. I have communicated this to my supervisor and he told me that a lot of the job sites are over staffed as well. He told me he would mention something to management but I don’t think anything is going to happen.

Also, there was a miscommunication with the team member who thinks me lazy about what time was to be worked one day (till 5 not 4:30) and the dude just went off on me. I know it’s my ego talking but listening to a 26 year old guy yell and cuss at me about how I need to do my job when no one was hurt/affected just really pissed me off.

The following week I just ignored him and he eventually confronted me and asked what was wrong. I explained that he should not yell/cuss at me as it would make me resent him and the last time anyone did was in the marine corps, and I don’t need it now. He said he understood and then started to suggest I take time off or if I had anything going on at home which I replied no.

I am definitely all over the place with my emotions since I just had a baby boy and want to make sure I make the right decisions for him. It’s just the anxiety and anger I have been feeling for no reason……

Is this normal?

Edit: forgot to mention I covered a Saturday for him and he tells me he doesn’t remember….. never doing that again.

Also, there was no Saturday work going to happen but he told the sun it was ok to work Saturdays and had me cover that Saturday so he could go fishing…

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