
Feels like company is trying to get me fired? Offered fmla leave.

Hello, not sure if this belongs here. Basically I had a meeting with my manager that did not end well. It was not a disciplinary meeting, just a discussion and I ended up signing paperwork saying I’d work on issues (basically just beef between my manager and I). I have been calling out sick a lot lately for my mental health since this job has taken a toll on me, and the day after the meeting I called out sick (I know stupid). Now HR wants me to try and get FMLA. I’m not sure if they’re doing this so they can fire me or protect me (probably the former though). I was just wondering if anyone went through anything similar or can offer advice? I also am under contract, which requires me to work a certain amount of time to pay off scholarship they gave me. I’m not sure…

Hello, not sure if this belongs here. Basically I had a meeting with my manager that did not end well. It was not a disciplinary meeting, just a discussion and I ended up signing paperwork saying I’d work on issues (basically just beef between my manager and I). I have been calling out sick a lot lately for my mental health since this job has taken a toll on me, and the day after the meeting I called out sick (I know stupid). Now HR wants me to try and get FMLA. I’m not sure if they’re doing this so they can fire me or protect me (probably the former though). I was just wondering if anyone went through anything similar or can offer advice? I also am under contract, which requires me to work a certain amount of time to pay off scholarship they gave me. I’m not sure if they’re trying to use FMLA to show that I cannot fulfill my contract and be let go.

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