
Fellow nurse and manager screwed me over….

This isn't my usual account, it's a dummy one I rarely use. I'm an RN at a long term care facility. I've worked here for 3 months, but I've been a nurse waaay longer. When I got hired in, I was told the facility had a “unique culture”. I still haven't figured what that means, except maybe bullying, short staffing and some people not caring. Anyhoo, I work second shift. I went in yesterday, got my assignment and got to work. We were short five CNAs and I ran my butt off helping my residents. I finally was able to get away to eat just before 8, after passing most of my meds. My blood sugar drops easy, so I make sure to eat or I get cranky and make mistakes. I was finishing stuffing my pie hole when my manager yelled down the stairs that I needed to come…

This isn't my usual account, it's a dummy one I rarely use.

I'm an RN at a long term care facility. I've worked here for 3 months, but I've been a nurse waaay longer. When I got hired in, I was told the facility had a “unique culture”. I still haven't figured what that means, except maybe bullying, short staffing and some people not caring.

Anyhoo, I work second shift. I went in yesterday, got my assignment and got to work. We were short five CNAs and I ran my butt off helping my residents. I finally was able to get away to eat just before 8, after passing most of my meds. My blood sugar drops easy, so I make sure to eat or I get cranky and make mistakes.

I was finishing stuffing my pie hole when my manager yelled down the stairs that I needed to come up and give a Nightshifter report. I was baffled, but trotted my happy ass up the stairs and reported off to Nightshifter, THEN my manbadger tells me I'm taking a different cart and no meds have been passed on it. Never bothered to tell me ahead of time.

Nightshifter benefitted from my hard work because she refused to take the other cart, while I got to go give 25 people their meds two hours late. Turns out the manager had been holding the keys for over an hour after previous nurse left and deliberately did nothing. Someone's blood sugar was out of whack due to the delay. No, two people's were, actually. One high, one low.

I'm so pissed, I don't know how to respond, except for default long game revenge (wrong sub for that). I hate to hop jobs but this is unacceptable. I cry when I get angry, so I actually cried through part of the med pass until I got to a resident with a sense of humor and made him laugh enough to cheer myself up.

TL;DR… Worked ass off most of shift, got pulled by manager, didn't stand up for myself, had to do it all over again because manager and coworker screwed me over, I'm still pissed.

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