
Finally get to be a shit employee at Company Shit

I can’t really share this publicly yet so I figured I’d post here. I just accepted a verbal job offer that will almost double my current salary. The position is in tech with a company that seems like the real deal. My current role is tech support for a big name, but buried in layers of subcontracting. The software I currently support is pervasive and complex but really doesn’t inspire me at the end of the day. The position is also ass. I’m a contractor, and my contracting company offers shit wages, shit benefits, and I get no PTO. The company I’m contracted to has also completely changed my role 4 times, moving me to more complex teams and giving me more responsibilities, but the wages and benefits have stayed the same. My contract has been extended indefinitely and they’ve tried to dangle the carrot of a pay raise, but…

I can’t really share this publicly yet so I figured I’d post here. I just accepted a verbal job offer that will almost double my current salary. The position is in tech with a company that seems like the real deal.

My current role is tech support for a big name, but buried in layers of subcontracting. The software I currently support is pervasive and complex but really doesn’t inspire me at the end of the day. The position is also ass. I’m a contractor, and my contracting company offers shit wages, shit benefits, and I get no PTO. The company I’m contracted to has also completely changed my role 4 times, moving me to more complex teams and giving me more responsibilities, but the wages and benefits have stayed the same. My contract has been extended indefinitely and they’ve tried to dangle the carrot of a pay raise, but nothing has come of it. Even though the job is remote, they’ve started to track everything we do and have been introducing more and more compliance metrics. Most of my coworkers just do the bare minimum to stay logged in and keep cases moving and play video games or watch Netflix on the side.

I’ve spent every ounce of free time at work and my nights and weekends for the last 9 months focused on getting out of this job. I’ve studied new technologies, created a home lab, pursued certs, spent way too much time on LinkedIn and messaging recruiters, and have tweaked my resume endlessly and applied for hundreds of jobs. I worked through a COVID outbreak in my house because no sick time. I developed an eye twitch two weeks ago.

For the next two weeks I’m finally going to be a shit employee at Company Shit. Fuck a 2 week notice for professional courtesy, I’m going to play my Switch, watch Netflix, and play with my kids until the start date for my new job.

The best part is, I just started training with Company Shit for ANOTHER new team. We’re supposed to watch 40 hours of training videos and share our screen the whole time so they now we’re busy.

Skyrim is calling me, get fucked Company Shit.

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