
Finally got a raise! (Rant)

I’ve been working at a shitty pizza chain all summer, the type of place without any chairs in the whole building because they want you on your feet for your entire shift. As depressing as it is spending most of the week in a tiny aluminum cell making pizzas for much-appreciative customers, I still work hard because that’s what I was always taught to do. Multiple times since I started I have been told that I’m the “best new hire” and that I’m the manager’s “A team”. So now for all of my work instead of making a measly 9 bucks and hour I’ll be making 9.50 an hour (starting next pay period of course). Goes to show that loyal dedication is always rewarded appropriately. Keep up the good work!

I’ve been working at a shitty pizza chain all summer, the type of place without any chairs in the whole building because they want you on your feet for your entire shift. As depressing as it is spending most of the week in a tiny aluminum cell making pizzas for much-appreciative customers, I still work hard because that’s what I was always taught to do. Multiple times since I started I have been told that I’m the “best new hire” and that I’m the manager’s “A team”. So now for all of my work instead of making a measly 9 bucks and hour I’ll be making 9.50 an hour (starting next pay period of course). Goes to show that loyal dedication is always rewarded appropriately. Keep up the good work!

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