
Finally quit

I posted here a pit of months ago complaining because I had 14 days of work shoved down my throat without any kind of break in between. Many of you told me to quit at once and I didn’t listen but in my defense it was worth the wait. So to summarize I work in security for a high end complex and our supervisor is not the best person in terms of temper control and attitude, something that has been voiced for years now from security and maintenance employees. She insulted and yelled at one of the security guards who told her to get scuffed and quit on the spot, this leaves the supervisor,one more girl and me in the security team, at least till today when I got the offer letter for a company in IT. It’s surreal, double what I make an hour right now,full benefits,unionized and it’s…

I posted here a pit of months ago complaining because I had 14 days of work shoved down my throat without any kind of break in between. Many of you told me to quit at once and I didn’t listen but in my defense it was worth the wait. So to summarize I work in security for a high end complex and our supervisor is not the best person in terms of temper control and attitude, something that has been voiced for years now from security and maintenance employees. She insulted and yelled at one of the security guards who told her to get scuffed and quit on the spot, this leaves the supervisor,one more girl and me in the security team, at least till today when I got the offer letter for a company in IT. It’s surreal, double what I make an hour right now,full benefits,unionized and it’s 10 minutes closer to home. I accepted the offer,made a quick resignation letter and sent it to HR, my supervisors Supervisor/Manager and the final one to the company boss stating that my final workday is this Saturday (which I have free because I got called into work on one of my days off).

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