
Finally quit Taco Hell

I started working at Taco Hell in August 2018. I worked my way to shift lead and was supposed to be promoted to AGM. My now-former boss made promises since December 2020 to promote me, but would constantly make excuses why things needed to be pushed back. My boss went on maternity leave in November and shortly after we started having “staffing issues.” The AGM never bothered to try and hire people. From November until mid-March we basically ran skeleton crews, store metrics went to absolute shit and I was constantly doing the work of 2-3 people. At the end of December 2021, my pre-approved time off was nearing and the AGM tried to change my time off since he'd have to actually work instead of sit in the office all day. The district manager found out I was planning on quitting if my vacation was changed so he went…

I started working at Taco Hell in August 2018. I worked my way to shift lead and was supposed to be promoted to AGM. My now-former boss made promises since December 2020 to promote me, but would constantly make excuses why things needed to be pushed back. My boss went on maternity leave in November and shortly after we started having “staffing issues.” The AGM never bothered to try and hire people.

From November until mid-March we basically ran skeleton crews, store metrics went to absolute shit and I was constantly doing the work of 2-3 people. At the end of December 2021, my pre-approved time off was nearing and the AGM tried to change my time off since he'd have to actually work instead of sit in the office all day. The district manager found out I was planning on quitting if my vacation was changed so he went and chewed out the AGM. I take my needed vacation then came back to the shitshow. A few weeks go by until the start of February, and my buddy tells me about a job he thinks I'd be a match for. I accept the job of being a sourcer for recruiters and put in my 2 week notice at Taco Hell.

My boss calls me (while still on leave) begging me to stay; asking what it'd take. I asked for an immediate raise, when I should have just stuck to my plan and left. Boss comes back with a $0.50 raise (WHY THE HELL DID I ACCEPT!?) From early February until today I was working 2 jobs/ 80 hours a week. Sure having 2 incomes so I could pay off debts fast was great but I gave up the little sleep and social life I even had with Taco Hell. Last week my boss came back from leave. The first day I worked with her being back, she was already micro-managing and nitpicking the fuck out of me. My hours got cut due to hitting any overtime what-so-ever. No word about getting promoted. The single day I asked to have guaranteed off so I could have one day off from both jobs, I had to plead for.

Sorry for the wall of text but my story ends today. I gave my boss a 3.5 hour notice I wasn't feeling well enough to work and I couldn't come in. She did her typical guilt trip story of how there's no other person to do my job. That she's overworked, staffed with only new people and that restaurant metrics won't be achieved today. Sorry, not my problem; the health and well-being of your workers is more important than shitty metrics. She kept pushing for me to work so I lied and said I'd switch shifts with the AGM. I went through the drive thru, while it was busy mind you, handed my store keys to one of my employees and asked them to tell my boss I quit.

TL;DR- former Taco Hell manager quits due to boss that doesn't care about their employees AMA

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