
Finally standing up for myself

Work. I’m tired. I’m overworked. My few coworkers and I are spread so thin and things are so hard. I was a few minutes late the other day after 3 years of perfect attendance because I just couldn’t get out of bed. On top of being understaffed, the expectations put on us are insane, we are working ourselves to death. My best friend who I work with started smoking a pack a day to deal with the stress. I took time off to go to the wedding of one of my closest friends, and my boss will not stop drowning me in guilt over it, like somehow I’m an asshole for not wanting to miss such an important event. She spent my entire 15 today telling me how hard I was making it and how my other coworkers were going to suffer for it. This is on top of them…

Work. I’m tired. I’m overworked. My few coworkers and I are spread so thin and things are so hard. I was a few minutes late the other day after 3 years of perfect attendance because I just couldn’t get out of bed. On top of being understaffed, the expectations put on us are insane, we are working ourselves to death. My best friend who I work with started smoking a pack a day to deal with the stress.

I took time off to go to the wedding of one of my closest friends, and my boss will not stop drowning me in guilt over it, like somehow I’m an asshole for not wanting to miss such an important event. She spent my entire 15 today telling me how hard I was making it and how my other coworkers were going to suffer for it. This is on top of them scheduling me despite me requesting it off 4 months in advance. I had to repeat that I was NOT GOING TO BE THERE multiple times to get them to stop trying to ask me to work.

I asked for 1 Sunday off after closing every. Single. Sunday. For 6 fucking months.

Nope. Can’t do it. Not enough people. Pick a shift.

I said fine. 4-8:30. You’re getting 4 hours out of me and no fucking more.

I’m switching to the overnight shift soon. I won’t have any of these issues, plus I’ll get paid more, promised 40 hours, and no customers being mean to me. After that…

I’m putting my fucking two weeks in.

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