
Fired after coming back from paternity leave

Saw a post about family businesses and wanted to share my story. Background: I took 2 months off(Canadian paternity leave) to stay with my wife and newborn. Was honestly the best weeks of my life. I work at a small family owned business as a technician. I was on very good terms with the owner and his wife even though I've heard and seen them treat other employees like crap. Imagine the we are always right and never wrong. If something we did goes wrong it was because of you. Fast forward 2 weeks and I'm sitting in HRs office, who is the owner's wife and service manager, telling me that I'm not performing at the level they need from me. I was working flawlessly heck even pushing harder now that I have a child. “Wait what you haven't even sat me down and given me a warning” I asked.…

Saw a post about family businesses and wanted to share my story.


I took 2 months off(Canadian paternity leave) to stay with my wife and newborn. Was honestly the best weeks of my life. I work at a small family owned business as a technician.

I was on very good terms with the owner and his wife even though I've heard and seen them treat other employees like crap. Imagine the we are always right and never wrong. If something we did goes wrong it was because of you.

Fast forward 2 weeks and I'm sitting in HRs office, who is the owner's wife and service manager, telling me that I'm not performing at the level they need from me. I was working flawlessly heck even pushing harder now that I have a child.

“Wait what you haven't even sat me down and given me a warning” I asked.

“I think you've felt this coming for a while now so it's shouldn't be a surprise” she replied without even making eye contact.

“I've been back two weeks and working harder than I have before I left… it because I'm getting paid more than some senior techs?”

I'm a junior technician but I negotiated for a higher pay. They hired two senior guys who were awesome work buddies but I know they accepted menial salaries.

“You just aren't a good fit for this company and we wish you the best” they said without making eye contact and handed my letter.

On my way out I see the owner hiding around the kitchen and see the techs at the table.

“Hey guys it's been great working with you let's stay in touch. BTW I made X amount an hour so you guys might want to ask for more”

Que angry yelling from the owners and shock on the employees faces.

Now here is the good part. I was already looking for another job during pat leave and had an interview in 2 days. I also got 2 weeks sevrnace since they fired me. I got the job half way through the interview and am now getting paid almost 20k more and haven't heard a single bad thing about this company.

Fuck toxic family businesses. They will never treat you as an equal and you can always find something better my kings and queens.

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