
Fired after I let my boss know my son would die “not long” after birth

I worked accounting at a car dealership and was there for a few years. I worked crazy hard, never took days off, and my boss was someone I considered a good friend. I was close to his family and my family knew them also. After working there a while I found out I was pregnant and had a few instances of my boss making snide comments about it, but I just let it go. I’m not a confrontational person. Later in my pregnancy I had almost no amniotic fluid and took a day off to travel to the best hospital in the state since no local doctors could figure out why. I was told at that hospital our son would have a very poor quality of life for a while and then die. Being close to my boss and his family I gave them the news. I assured them I…

I worked accounting at a car dealership and was there for a few years. I worked crazy hard, never took days off, and my boss was someone I considered a good friend. I was close to his family and my family knew them also.

After working there a while I found out I was pregnant and had a few instances of my boss making snide comments about it, but I just let it go. I’m not a confrontational person. Later in my pregnancy I had almost no amniotic fluid and took a day off to travel to the best hospital in the state since no local doctors could figure out why. I was told at that hospital our son would have a very poor quality of life for a while and then die. Being close to my boss and his family I gave them the news. I assured them I would work until my due date and do what I could after that by working remotely. 2 days later I was let go. My boss said it was because of budget cuts. I lost my insurance and my income.

Here’s where things get weird later on… the same week we buried our son I got a text and call from my ex boss asking me to come back to work for him. He said that because I was gone for a while I would need to do a lower level position with less pay for a while, but they desperately wanted me back. I ended up telling him no.

Am I being paranoid in thinking something is weird about the situation? I’m in my 20s with not a ton of work experience, but it just feels off to me

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