
Fired and hired today for having long hair

I am a plumber. I have been working for a plumbing company for 2 weeks now. I must have missed in the handbook that hair can be no longer than shoulder length… for a plumber.. I have excelled at this company and was told from the owner himself that I know more than 90 percent of his crew and would be getting a 6+ dollar raise soon and my own truck. It has been cold and I have kept it in a hat because it gets in my face while working. This morning was the first time he has seen me with long hair. He kind of flipped his shit and told me to cut it by tomorrow. Of course I told him that I will not be cutting my hair for this position (service plumber) and even bargained that I move to a different position (new installation) if my…

I am a plumber. I have been working for a plumbing company for 2 weeks now. I must have missed in the handbook that hair can be no longer than shoulder length… for a plumber..

I have excelled at this company and was told from the owner himself that I know more than 90 percent of his crew and would be getting a 6+ dollar raise soon and my own truck.

It has been cold and I have kept it in a hat because it gets in my face while working.

This morning was the first time he has seen me with long hair. He kind of flipped his shit and told me to cut it by tomorrow.

Of course I told him that I will not be cutting my hair for this position (service plumber) and even bargained that I move to a different position (new installation) if my hair was a problem.

He got snappy with me and told me to cut my hair by tomorrow or there is my car.. while pointing at my car.

Told him thanks for wasting my time, grabbed my tools and left. Drove right down the road and was hired by another plumbing company and we laughed together about my long hair and the other company.

This is a workers market, do not let these companies control your every waking moment. Everywhere is hiring.

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