
fired for spinning in my chair. (a story)

Nearly 10 years ago I was working in a spanish phone company, my job was mostly to fix problems from clients, plan maintenance and do office stuff. After several years I was burn out, and coworkers/coordinators were abusive and pushing to get more for the same salary, It got to my limits, and decided to quit, but on my own terms. So, I decided to work doing only what my contract stipulates, and if they wanted me to do something else, then to give it to me written on paper. No more than a week and I got called to HR, they were firing me, but… The most amazing thing was the reasons. They were firing me for: never having any doubts in my job never asking questions after a meeting. spinning in my chair. Brooooooo…. I took them to court, i was so burned down that accepted the first…

Nearly 10 years ago I was working in a spanish phone company, my job was mostly to fix problems from clients, plan maintenance and do office stuff.

After several years I was burn out, and coworkers/coordinators were abusive and pushing to get more for the same salary, It got to my limits, and decided to quit, but on my own terms.

So, I decided to work doing only what my contract stipulates, and if they wanted me to do something else, then to give it to me written on paper.

No more than a week and I got called to HR, they were firing me, but… The most amazing thing was the reasons.

They were firing me for:

  • never having any doubts in my job

  • never asking questions after a meeting.

  • spinning in my chair.

Brooooooo…. I took them to court, i was so burned down that accepted the first offer not to go court, but at the end they paid me for an unfair laid, and they did a mistake as that money was supposed to go to a debt I was carrying on, but instead they gave it to me, the judge then forced them to also pay my debt and gave them the option to ask me to give them the money back.

They never did, at the end I left that company, got a new job with 5 times my salary and retirement and Framed the letter where I was fired for spinning in my chair.

Everytime a new boss asks me “why you got fired” I always tells them the story of that day I got fired for “spinning in my chair”.

Btw, I wasn't got fired ever again, always changing jobs or Quitting in good terms 🙂

Edit: sorry for may englash, XD

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