
fired on the 4th of July

I started working at this weed dispensary in the beginning of June, all was going well seemingly until I was let go. The leads were buying me lunch, products to sample and never gave me any kind of indication that I was performing poorly. They scheduled me on the 4th from 12pm – 8pm which I had no issues with since I was really enjoying my time working there so far. I came in like any other day and went to speak with the manager to see what's new before I clocked in. She simply told me to take a seat, pulled out a recording device, and handed me my termination letter. They didn't really give a reason beyond that I wasn't a “good fit.” I just can't get over the fact that they knowingly scheduled me on the 4th of July which is a major holiday just to fire…

I started working at this weed dispensary in the beginning of June, all was going well seemingly until I was let go. The leads were buying me lunch, products to sample and never gave me any kind of indication that I was performing poorly.

They scheduled me on the 4th from 12pm – 8pm which I had no issues with since I was really enjoying my time working there so far. I came in like any other day and went to speak with the manager to see what's new before I clocked in. She simply told me to take a seat, pulled out a recording device, and handed me my termination letter. They didn't really give a reason beyond that I wasn't a “good fit.”

I just can't get over the fact that they knowingly scheduled me on the 4th of July which is a major holiday just to fire me. They couldn't have waited one more day? Am I wrong for thinking that is pretty fucked up to do to someone? I already had forgone any plans for the day time for the holiday and then they ruined the rest of the day by dropping that on me.

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