
Fired out of the blue today

Was fired today. Not entirely sure why either; my boss messaged me yesterday said he was going to give me a call today in the afternoon. Fast forward to the call: he tells me I’m being let go, that today is my last day, and they’re outsourcing my position. I dont even get severance. Within minutes of the phone call my slack was deactivated and github permissions revoked. Thats it. It was over. Now I have no job and can’t pay rent next month. Totally out of the blue. Even my lead developer didnt know. Yesterday I was supposed to (meeting was scheduled Tuesday and I was not in the city) attend a meeting and lunch with the team, my VP/boss, and the CTO. 24hrs later, I have no job. Side note: me missing the meeting wasn’t an issue: it was laughed off by the CTO, and I offered to…

Was fired today. Not entirely sure why either; my boss messaged me yesterday said he was going to give me a call today in the afternoon.

Fast forward to the call: he tells me I’m being let go, that today is my last day, and they’re outsourcing my position. I dont even get severance.

Within minutes of the phone call my slack was deactivated and github permissions revoked.

Thats it. It was over. Now I have no job and can’t pay rent next month.

Totally out of the blue. Even my lead developer didnt know. Yesterday I was supposed to (meeting was scheduled Tuesday and I was not in the city) attend a meeting and lunch with the team, my VP/boss, and the CTO. 24hrs later, I have no job.

Side note: me missing the meeting wasn’t an issue: it was laughed off by the CTO, and I offered to join the meeting remotely, but no one said anything about it after.

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