
Fired/threatened and bullied by the owner of my ex job

Fired and threatened by the owner of where I worked – recorded the whole thing. Advice please?! Hey guys! I have waited a few weeks to post this and too start the complaint process, as company owed me nearly 2k and I wanted to wait until I got paid. Any advice would be appreciated! 😀 So around a month ago I was at my friends wedding (which I booked off 6 months ago) And the company was well aware off. My boss text me saying I couldn’t have the weekend after off. (This was booked in 2021, I have photos and confirmation texts of the holiday being confirmed) this was a historic gig which meant a lot to me, and I had brought the tickets for me and groom. I replied to my boss saying sorry I wasn’t working it, and he said we would discuss it Monday. I knew…

Fired and threatened by the owner of where I worked – recorded the whole thing. Advice please?!

Hey guys! I have waited a few weeks to post this and too start the complaint process, as company owed me nearly 2k and I wanted to wait until I got paid. Any advice would be appreciated! 😀

So around a month ago I was at my friends wedding (which I booked off 6 months ago)
And the company was well aware off.
My boss text me saying I couldn’t have the weekend after off. (This was booked in 2021, I have photos and confirmation texts of the holiday being confirmed) this was a historic gig which meant a lot to me, and I had brought the tickets for me and groom.
I replied to my boss saying sorry I wasn’t working it, and he said we would discuss it Monday.

I knew and have seen myself this man is a bully, and decided to record the conversation.
He asks me outside and says sorry you need to work it
I snigger and say I’m not working it
He gets in my face and threatens to kick the fucking shit out of me.
We argue for 10 mins but end up shaking hands and parking the issue.
But the whole thing was recorded.
I had the day off.
Well last week he came in and sacked me on the spot for a bunch of untrue reasons.
I really think this all relates to me defending myself and standing my ground when he threatened me. I didn’t threaten him once, but made it clear he wasn’t going to touch me and I wouldn’t be pushed around.
I’ve reported this to the police and have started an investigation with Acas, but was wondering if anyone had any advice for anything else I could do?
Happy to answer questions in the comments!
Thank you

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