
Fired Today from My Position of Two Years Where I Repeatedly Got Screwed

I loved my ex-job for the first six months when I had formal training. They added on an entire account management position on top of my purchasing manager duties a year in with ZERO extra pay, benefits, or acknowledgement. My performance for the past year and a half meant zilch when the CEO who drives a different sports car to work each day of the week was looking for someone to blame lower sales on after half his original team quit and he refused to provide me any real account management training besides a 1 hour Fred Pryor conference. I used to pride myself on my loyalty and now I am so bitter to know how foolish that is. I memorized hundreds of item numbers to ease the account advocate duties. I adapted to double my workload within a month on a system that hasn’t been updated since 1997 (cheapskate…

I loved my ex-job for the first six months when I had formal training. They added on an entire account management position on top of my purchasing manager duties a year in with ZERO extra pay, benefits, or acknowledgement.
My performance for the past year and a half meant zilch when the CEO who drives a different sports car to work each day of the week was looking for someone to blame lower sales on after half his original team quit and he refused to provide me any real account management training besides a 1 hour Fred Pryor conference. I used to pride myself on my loyalty and now I am so bitter to know how foolish that is. I memorized hundreds of item numbers to ease the account advocate duties. I adapted to double my workload within a month on a system that hasn’t been updated since 1997 (cheapskate boss).
No matter what you do for a company you are NOTHING to the CEO in his Gucci sweatsuit who verbally abused employees behind slammed doors. I won’t be able to afford the Prozac to keep the panic attacks the stress of caring so much about the job brought me down by the 28th. They let me go on a random Wednesday like I was another piece of junk mail.
NEVER give yourself away to a company no matter how much they claim they’re a “small family”. They will drop you the second it stops being convenient to abuse you.

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