
First day at new job

Scheduled to start at 8:00 AM. I arrive at 7:30, hang out in my car until 7:55. Immediately lectured about how “eArLy iS oN tImE, oN tImE iS lAtE” A. I am still 5 minutes early!? B. If you want me there at 7:45 then schedule me for 7:45. Why complicate such a simple thing? C. you later

Scheduled to start at 8:00 AM. I arrive at 7:30, hang out in my car until 7:55. Immediately lectured about how “eArLy iS oN tImE, oN tImE iS lAtE”

A. I am still 5 minutes early!?

B. If you want me there at 7:45 then schedule me for 7:45. Why complicate such a simple thing?

C. you later

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