
First steps

So after a serious of tremendously unpopular decisions by our, absentee, general manager. Namely scheduling without regard for employee preferences and opinions, being chronically understaffed, undersupplied, and underequiped, and failing to accurately submit my time card to accounting. Forcing me to contact HR to have it corrected after he never responded to my email and said he was too busy to take my call. As well as the fact that he spends all of his time at the other location he manages and is never here. I have reached out to a national Union in our field and have begun sounding out my coworkers. Due to our hilariously small staff I only really need one other person to force a vote, and 3 others to bypass the vote entirely. Wish me luck.

So after a serious of tremendously unpopular decisions by our, absentee, general manager. Namely scheduling without regard for employee preferences and opinions, being chronically understaffed, undersupplied, and underequiped, and failing to accurately submit my time card to accounting. Forcing me to contact HR to have it corrected after he never responded to my email and said he was too busy to take my call. As well as the fact that he spends all of his time at the other location he manages and is never here. I have reached out to a national Union in our field and have begun sounding out my coworkers.
Due to our hilariously small staff I only really need one other person to force a vote, and 3 others to bypass the vote entirely. Wish me luck.

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