
First taste of large company screw over

My first taste of corporate screw over as an adult occurred when my partner and I were living on our apartment in the PNW. We both worked hard and were trying to figure our lives out for the most part. Fortunately I happened to be in a secure position as a mechanic but my girlfriend had been moving between different jobs in the food industry. She had been working at Starbucks for a while and eventually moved her way up to a management position at a different location however at her original location she was accused of doing heroin in the parking lot of her job. (Absurd) The district of this particular Starbucks started an investigation regarding this claim and it prevented her from getting another job within Starbucks that she was otherwise hired for. This of course was infuriating as she has no history drug use. Someone leveraged the…

My first taste of corporate screw over as an adult occurred when my partner and I were living on our apartment in the PNW. We both worked hard and were trying to figure our lives out for the most part. Fortunately I happened to be in a secure position as a mechanic but my girlfriend had been moving between different jobs in the food industry. She had been working at Starbucks for a while and eventually moved her way up to a management position at a different location however at her original location she was accused of doing heroin in the parking lot of her job. (Absurd) The district of this particular Starbucks started an investigation regarding this claim and it prevented her from getting another job within Starbucks that she was otherwise hired for. This of course was infuriating as she has no history drug use. Someone leveraged the system because they didn’t like her (my guess). This of course led us to not be able to renew our lease or find another apartment as we rely on each other for rent. Fortunately we have family here who were willing to give us a place to crash while we recover but we will forever hold a resentment towards Starbucks as a company for such a wrongful accusation. Personally my first thought was to sue Starbucks for the defamation and income costing accusation however we didn’t have the money for a lawyer at the time. Instead we took it as a caution of how poorly they treat their entry level/growing employees…that was also how we found this Reddit page. Fuck Starbucks

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