
First Time on Unemployment

Title. Recently unemployed for the first time in my adult life and am in the process of applying for unemployment benefits. My question is – what is the easiest way to satisfy “work search activities”? I live in Nebraska, and we are required to participate in 5 “work search activities” 2 of which must be job applications per week of benefits. I leave the state in a few weeks. No one is going to hire me just to have me leave at the end of the month, so would it be easiest to just submit 5 job applications with “I am leaving the state on X date” at the top of my resume/application? Other options are things like attending job fairs or “re-employment seminars” with the Department of Labor but that sounds like more work than just submitting a job application.

Title. Recently unemployed for the first time in my adult life and am in the process of applying for unemployment benefits.

My question is – what is the easiest way to satisfy “work search activities”? I live in Nebraska, and we are required to participate in 5 “work search activities” 2 of which must be job applications per week of benefits. I leave the state in a few weeks. No one is going to hire me just to have me leave at the end of the month, so would it be easiest to just submit 5 job applications with “I am leaving the state on X date” at the top of my resume/application?

Other options are things like attending job fairs or “re-employment seminars” with the Department of Labor but that sounds like more work than just submitting a job application.

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