
First Week on the Job and I’ve Already Pulled Out My Back

First off, I hate my life. I am as miserable as they come. I’m a lonely white kid from california and although my life may seem good on the outside, I hate my life. I don’t have a girlfriend (have never had one) and I have no purpose to life. I work at a lame grocery store and although I am 6ft and strong in some ways, I have a weak back. This week I worked 5 days straight with no rest and on the 5th day (today) my back finally gave out. And for what? A lousy paycheck. A few hundred bucks that will get me nowhere in life. I work for people and cooperations that give little to no shits about their workers. “Toughen up” they say. Well I’m sick and tired of this bullshit standard. I shouldn’t have to bust my ass and break my back for…

First off, I hate my life. I am as miserable as they come. I’m a lonely white kid from california and although my life may seem good on the outside, I hate my life. I don’t have a girlfriend (have never had one) and I have no purpose to life.

I work at a lame grocery store and although I am 6ft and strong in some ways, I have a weak back. This week I worked 5 days straight with no rest and on the 5th day (today) my back finally gave out.

And for what? A lousy paycheck. A few hundred bucks that will get me nowhere in life. I work for people and cooperations that give little to no shits about their workers.

“Toughen up” they say. Well I’m sick and tired of this bullshit standard. I shouldn’t have to bust my ass and break my back for below average results. Society is unreal.

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