
Fixing poverty and homelessness

Responsibility. No one wants to take responsibility for creating the conditions that are causing homelessness in the first place. Failed capitalism is obviously the problem, but no one will admit it. While I do not see socialism as the answer, social programs are. If you want capitalism to work, then you need to increase taxes and throw money at the problem. Most do not want to accept increasing taxes, yet paying to throw the homeless in jail is acceptable? We need social programs to improve people's lives and it won't get fixed overnight. The problem took a generation to create, and it may take several generations to fix.

Responsibility. No one wants to take responsibility for creating the conditions that are causing homelessness in the first place. Failed capitalism is obviously the problem, but no one will admit it. While I do not see socialism as the answer, social programs are. If you want capitalism to work, then you need to increase taxes and throw money at the problem. Most do not want to accept increasing taxes, yet paying to throw the homeless in jail is acceptable? We need social programs to improve people's lives and it won't get fixed overnight. The problem took a generation to create, and it may take several generations to fix.

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