
Fizzling out, went AWOL at Amazon job, getting fired soon. should I rant on their voice of the associates board or naw?

I've worked at Amazon on n off for 5-6 years, mainly for money n benefits n how easy it is to get in, but now that other jobs are passing their pay and they've skimped on benefits these past couple of years, I'm forcing myself to leave. it's difficult, I'm so used to the comfort of the autonomy. I crave some autonomy but at the same time I loathe being a cog in the big bad guys machine. I tried to convince my friends to organize but they're too deep in the kool aid, cept for a couple who are drained. I tried a lot of subversive ways to get people to see a better way but to no avail. “I got kids, I got bills, etc”. unable to see past themselves, as predicted. I'll be cutting all ties with Amazon once I submit a big ass VoA rant but…

I've worked at Amazon on n off for 5-6 years, mainly for money n benefits n how easy it is to get in, but now that other jobs are passing their pay and they've skimped on benefits these past couple of years, I'm forcing myself to leave. it's difficult, I'm so used to the comfort of the autonomy. I crave some autonomy but at the same time I loathe being a cog in the big bad guys machine. I tried to convince my friends to organize but they're too deep in the kool aid, cept for a couple who are drained.

I tried a lot of subversive ways to get people to see a better way but to no avail. “I got kids, I got bills, etc”. unable to see past themselves, as predicted. I'll be cutting all ties with Amazon once I submit a big ass VoA rant but part of me knows it'll do nothing but cause me more trouble. should I? the workers there don't seem to want a union, they need more brain bleach.

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