
Flashback to the time my Dad had a stroke and they wanted him back to work 4 days later…

March 2021, my dad collapsed whilst out for a run. Luckily, he collapsed 500m from a fire department, and someone saw him fall so they went to get help. First responders were there within 4 minutes, and he was loaded onto an ambulance and rushed to the hospital. He was given blood thinners immediately. During all of this, my dad was mumbling with his speech, and unable to walk. Surprisingly after 72 hours, my dad was able to walk and talk (for the most part) again (doctors were shocked how quickly he recovered). When he got home, he had a text from his boss wanting him to work the following week (this was a Thursday he got home), and the boss wanted him working the next Monday… my dad replied back and was able to get a month off (thanks to a doctors note), that month eventually turned into 3…

March 2021, my dad collapsed whilst out for a run. Luckily, he collapsed 500m from a fire department, and someone saw him fall so they went to get help. First responders were there within 4 minutes, and he was loaded onto an ambulance and rushed to the hospital. He was given blood thinners immediately. During all of this, my dad was mumbling with his speech, and unable to walk. Surprisingly after 72 hours, my dad was able to walk and talk (for the most part) again (doctors were shocked how quickly he recovered).

When he got home, he had a text from his boss wanting him to work the following week (this was a Thursday he got home), and the boss wanted him working the next Monday… my dad replied back and was able to get a month off (thanks to a doctors note), that month eventually turned into 3 months, as he required to have tests done and was dealing with mental/physical hurdles from his stroke. Up until his 3 month mark, he couldn’t see clearly, he had bad headaches, and he couldn’t focus. His comprehension and understanding of words and tasks was awful.

How does an employer expect him to be able to immediately work after a stroke?

Luckily my dad knows his rights and was able to persuade his boss he needed more time off…

My dad is now 95% fully recovered, and considered to be very lucky.

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