
Follow up to text image I posted

I don't know if this is the sub that this short story should be in, but it is related to work so here we go: I work at food delivery, and we don't have a general manager. From my understanding, the district manager comes by to help the store. What makes this job different for me as opposed to other food delivery places I've worked is that they have a driving score requirement of at least 90%. From what I was told, and later saw posted at the store, if your score is below a 90 once, you get a warning, second time, it's a 1 week suspension, third time and you're terminated from the job. I heard from inside the store, when district manager was off, that I was getting suspended but the manager that night wasn't sure if it was me because district manager doesn't communicate well. The…

I don't know if this is the sub that this short story should be in, but it is related to work so here we go:

I work at food delivery, and we don't have a general manager. From my understanding, the district manager comes by to help the store. What makes this job different for me as opposed to other food delivery places I've worked is that they have a driving score requirement of at least 90%. From what I was told, and later saw posted at the store, if your score is below a 90 once, you get a warning, second time, it's a 1 week suspension, third time and you're terminated from the job. I heard from inside the store, when district manager was off, that I was getting suspended but the manager that night wasn't sure if it was me because district manager doesn't communicate well.

The text conversation shows what was talked about last Saturday the 18th. He gave me no warning and expected drivers to just watch their scores, he doesn't give warnings, he just jumps straight to suspension. I originally thought to work inside but my state complies strictly to 7.25, but don't worry guys, they gave everyone a 50 CENT raise! So next I thought, screw him I'm not working inside for 7.75 and I told him that.

This past Wednesday the 22nd, I started looking around the office for a phone number to call to talk to someone to help me. I got put through to HR and told her the situation and emailed her the text conversation I had with him. She got back to me Thursday morning and told me I was not getting suspended since improper procedures were taken.

So yesterday, I knew it would be the first shift in a couple of weeks I would see district manager while I was on the clock. Soon as I walked in and he saw me he said “Someone got me in trouble” I just stared with a poker face as he and I talked for a minute with another driver and manager as witnesses to what we said. I said “there's a piece of paper hanging over there *pointing* that says first offense gets a warning, and I received none. You told me 1st and 3rd day, you saw me on my 3rd day, that was when I asked you to add hours to my paycheck for watching training videos at home.”

Come to find out, I'm not the only one he does this to, he suspended another driver with no prior warning. I asked that driver if he got a warning beforehand and he said no, I told him I took it to HR. I swear to god why can't the district manager just follow procedures like he expects everyone else to??

By the way, my score was 88, I would've been suspended over 2 points…

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