
Forced career change?

I work as a sales rep for a Fortune 500 company. A couple of weeks ago, I got a DUI while driving company vehicle. Police station breathalyzer indicated 0.09. Limit is 0.08. I love my job and I am a good performer and liked by management. My boss, his boss want to keep me. HR don’t know what to do. Licence is Suspended for 3 month. No charges yet as it’s criminal. Best scenario. Charges are dropped Bad scenario, I get fined for dui but they drop the 0.09. Worst scenario. I get convicted and I have a breathalyzer in a car I buy and it becomes my expense. Worse worse scenario I lose the job. Has one of you been through something similar? Is HR just waiting to kick me out so there wouldn’t be liability if charges are dropped after I’m being fired? Updating my resume and creating…

I work as a sales rep for a Fortune 500 company. A couple of weeks ago, I got a DUI while driving company vehicle. Police station breathalyzer indicated 0.09. Limit is 0.08. I love my job and I am a good performer and liked by management. My boss, his boss want to keep me. HR don’t know what to do. Licence is Suspended for 3 month. No charges yet as it’s criminal.
Best scenario. Charges are dropped
Bad scenario, I get fined for dui but they drop the 0.09. Worst scenario. I get convicted and I have a breathalyzer in a car I buy and it becomes my expense. Worse worse scenario I lose the job.

Has one of you been through something similar? Is HR just waiting to kick me out so there wouldn’t be liability if charges are dropped after I’m being fired?

Updating my resume and creating a linked in profile this week

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