
Forced out of work on a mental leave after a “disagreement ” with boss

Hey Reddit, Apologizes for the long post. I have been dealing with this ongoing situation now at work for the past few months and I feel like it's reaching the breaking point. I am sorry for being vague but I work for my state as Treatment provider. Basically I implement programming for the incarcerated individuals. For the past 6 months or so I have been called in repeatedly, accused and “investigated” by my boss and it is getting to the point now where I almost feel like it’s harassment/discrimination/ racism. (I am the only person of color on our team and my boss is a middle aged white individual). Little bit of backstory on me before I get into the issues. I am an extremely laid back individual, my work is always done quickly, efficiently, minimal mistakes and to a high degree. However, one thing I don't personally deal well…

Hey Reddit, Apologizes for the long post.

I have been dealing with this ongoing situation now at work for the past few months and I feel like it's reaching the breaking point. I am sorry for being vague but I work for my state as Treatment provider. Basically I implement programming for the incarcerated individuals. For the past 6 months or so I have been called in repeatedly, accused and “investigated” by my boss and it is getting to the point now where I almost feel like it’s harassment/discrimination/ racism. (I am the only person of color on our team and my boss is a middle aged white individual). Little bit of backstory on me before I get into the issues. I am an extremely laid back individual, my work is always done quickly, efficiently, minimal mistakes and to a high degree. However, one thing I don't personally deal well with is accusations especially if they are false, but also I really hate confrontation. Here are things my boss and I have butted heads over in the past few months.

  1. He received “reports and complaints” over the timing of my programming, however ignored my requests for months to even have a clock in the programming room. How can I implement programming adequately if I don't even know the time I am in there for? (due to the environment we cannot have phones or other things such as watches and is that really on me anyways?). This led to a long hostile conversation with him stating that it's “problematic if I don't even know my timing” once again… how can I without the proper set up?
  2. My clients and other peoples clients apparently “prefer to speak with me” over other providers and this is somehow my fault because I am to friendly (I am not I just dont treat these people like they are stupid and tell them the truth and try empathize with their situations)
  3. I started rumors and gossip because I was venting frustrations to another staff member through conversation regarding our pay and workload. (I do the same if not more work then people who make 10-15k more than me and carry a lesser case load). In addition these individuals routinely blow off hours of work a week because they can and routinely go behind my bosses back. Although I know it wasn’t the best way to handle the situation I never said one ill word about any co-workers, the department or clients.
  4. This led to him accusing me of “lying and being a victim” and threatening me with employee discipline, although this never happened. (all my performance evaluations have been “meet expectations” I have had zero disciplinary interventions)
  5. He pretty much blows me off if I have a question or comment but that doesn't really bother me. But, then I am a ‘bad’ employee for not asking enough questions.

There's more but the list is getting long so I am getting to the main point. The past month we have been giving work from home options which I have used for 1 full day and two half days (other staff used a lot more) and were told to make sure we had work to do. I always made sure I had work to do and basically spent a day finalizing and editing numerous reports in addition to some online training. Now I know for 100% fact that my other co workers either A) Do zero work and are available by email when they work from home or B) Do such a little amount of work that it's obvious). Knowing this I made sure I had an adequate amount. Well low and behold I get called in a few days later with my boss questing how I used my time. I figured this would happen as he routinely investigates solely me or what I do and never really looks at his ” favorites”. Now on the spot and dealing with conflict I fumbled to specifically recall exact time frames I spent on each thing. This led to me being able to account for 6.5 hours of work with me struggling to remember what I did for the other 1 hour. Remember this is 1 week later he is asking me to recall specific times. This led to an argument that if my recollection is that poor then I am unfit to work (which in fairness I do struggle sometimes with getting my thoughts out when I am in a conflict situation on the spot). HR was involved and I was sent home on FMLA basically needing a doctor to clear me mentally. I am seeing a neurologist just because my doctor couldn't really clear me without further examination. I just feel this is all a little extreme and feel like it's a hostile environment. I have a brand new child and a wife going for her PharmD so we need the money and insurance. What are your opinions on this situation (am I over/under reacting) and I will take any and all suggestions on how I can resolve this situation, or what you think should happen next.

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