
Forced overtime should be banned

Came here after lamenting about having to work 7 straight 12 hour days this week, thinking about how much more peaceful life would be if I could just work my hours and that's it. My situation isn't even as bad as many, but the only reason employers push it is employees comply. What would happen if everyone who didn't want the extra hours put their foot down and refused to work them? Would be interesting for sure. Most people are naturally passive and people in charge like to take advantage of that. Bob Seger made a song about it decades ago….feel like a number….these days we are just robots to them.

Came here after lamenting about having to work 7 straight 12 hour days this week, thinking about how much more peaceful life would be if I could just work my hours and that's it. My situation isn't even as bad as many, but the only reason employers push it is employees comply. What would happen if everyone who didn't want the extra hours put their foot down and refused to work them? Would be interesting for sure. Most people are naturally passive and people in charge like to take advantage of that.

Bob Seger made a song about it decades ago….feel like a number….these days we are just robots to them.

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