
Forced To Falsify

I work in the cybersecurity field. I recently took a job with a new company who promised full work from home as long as I am able to attend certain in person meetings. In order to expense anything (including providing food at these meetings) I must fill out documentation detailing attendees. Now the same process holds true if I need a new web camera, tech to do demos, branded shirts, etc. They say I must submit mileage for a meeting which never happened and list people I did not have meetings with. I refuse to do this and thus far have just eaten the costs. I was also promised RSU as part of my offer letter and 4 months later have yet to get them. I also recently discovered for two weeks at the end of every quarter vacation is straight up banned. This includes Christmas. The office where I…

I work in the cybersecurity field. I recently took a job with a new company who promised full work from home as long as I am able to attend certain in person meetings. In order to expense anything (including providing food at these meetings) I must fill out documentation detailing attendees. Now the same process holds true if I need a new web camera, tech to do demos, branded shirts, etc. They say I must submit mileage for a meeting which never happened and list people I did not have meetings with. I refuse to do this and thus far have just eaten the costs. I was also promised RSU as part of my offer letter and 4 months later have yet to get them. I also recently discovered for two weeks at the end of every quarter vacation is straight up banned. This includes Christmas. The office where I must sometimes go to is impossible to get any work done with a bunch of people packed into tiny cubicles talking so loud it echoes into other people's meetings. I expected to have my qualifiers for bonuses for the year in January and here we are in March just finding out what they are. I have already begun looking for a new 100% work from home opportunity, but am just very frustrated with this job and needed to vent a bit. I would be very grateful for some options here. I have enough saved up I can take some serious time off if that is what it comes down to.

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