
Forced to work Full-Time to get Part-Time

I had applied and was hired as a part-time store assistant for this local country home goods store. I explained I needed help learning the digital register but otherwise this isn't new to me. Fine right? My very first day they train me on register for maybe 2 hours before assigning me to open inventory and tag it. Sure, that's a basic store necessity I can understand. Why then, was I asked to gather trash, crush boxes, and personally lug heaps of trash to our distant dumpster as I watched the manager park right next to me in his labeled work pick-up truck? Maybe it's a misunderstanding but at no point did I give any handyman experience or imply that. I was asked to personally assemble display birdhouses, chairs, and was given a ladder to fix ceiling lights and take down/update large hanging flags. I asked several friends about this…

I had applied and was hired as a part-time store assistant for this local country home goods store. I explained I needed help learning the digital register but otherwise this isn't new to me. Fine right?

My very first day they train me on register for maybe 2 hours before assigning me to open inventory and tag it. Sure, that's a basic store necessity I can understand. Why then, was I asked to gather trash, crush boxes, and personally lug heaps of trash to our distant dumpster as I watched the manager park right next to me in his labeled work pick-up truck? Maybe it's a misunderstanding but at no point did I give any handyman experience or imply that. I was asked to personally assemble display birdhouses, chairs, and was given a ladder to fix ceiling lights and take down/update large hanging flags. I asked several friends about this and understood this is a lot of varied responsibility for a new hire.

At the end of the week I head to the manager so I can discuss when training ends and I can assume my part-time position as he tells me, “So ____, you'll be taking over ____'s old full-time schedule where she comes in for x, y, z and has off on a/b”. The real issue here is that I only joined the team after they assured me I can have Tuesday+Wednesday off (which now is not the case). I learned that it's weekends they struggle to find people for so I offered up my weekends to suit my intended days off. Got a speech about how they won't change the entire work schedule just so I am pleased as a new hire.

I sent an email on my days off to the effect of, “If you can't offer me the part-time I was promised I'll be accepting an offer elsewhere” and was called childish before being told to come in for my check on Monday.

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