
former boss replies to me after a week of my resigning…

So last week I dropped off my keys and told my boss that I was quitting, right then and there. no notice. a week later he replies, litterally today with this: Good morning Usefulwoodpecker, Sorry that we couldn’t make things work for you here at the Sheppard Centre Apartment. I want to tell you that we were very happy with your overall performance as building manager and I thank you for all your efforts. Its to bad you never came to me to discuss any issues or difficulties you were having. We were in the process of removing Mike as building manager due to the lack of performance on his part and the difficulty he was having working with others, don’t know if that was adding to the negative work place for you. Good luck in your future ventures, to which I replied with: I'll be honest with you the…

So last week I dropped off my keys and told my boss that I was quitting, right then and there. no notice. a week later he replies, litterally today with this:

Good morning Usefulwoodpecker,

Sorry that we couldn’t make things work for you here at the Sheppard Centre Apartment.

I want to tell you that we were very happy with your overall performance as building manager and I thank you for all your efforts.

Its to bad you never came to me to discuss any issues or difficulties you were having. We were in the process of removing Mike as building manager due to the lack of performance on his part and the difficulty he was having working with others, don’t know if that was adding to the negative work place for you.

Good luck in your future ventures,

to which I replied with:

I'll be honest with you the reason why I quit was purely because of Mike. He's incompetent, lazy, and truthfully an idiot. I could no longer work with him. I told Peter a week ago I refused to work with him any longer and even told Peter that if Mike was fired i'd be more than willing to be on call 24/7. I knew it from week one. I knew it from day one that this guy wasn't there. I was tired of covering him with tenants, I was tired of filling out his PO's, I was tired of everything. 

I'd be more than willing to work with you again as long as Mike is gone. For the sake of your buildings, you company, you seriously need to fire that man. He has hindered you for god knows how many years.

and then he lies to me with a reply:

Thank you for your honesty,

We are fully aware of Mikes incompetency’s which are a result of a recent life change. He is trying to get help for his issues which makes thigs difficult as his employer. We cant just dismiss someone with a mental disability that is why we were looking to place him elsewhere within the company.

Thank you for your comments,

So they told me “hey we're going to fire this guy” and then comes back with “well…we're not” he doesn't have a mental disability btw he got divorced 3 years ago and his son came out 5 years ago. that is zero grounds for a mental disability.

I told them I'd be willing to come back but they're more than willing to harbor a guy whom they feel is “mentally unwell” with things that a lot of people deal with. fuck them.

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