
Former client removed the credit from my work.

I did some freelance writing last year for a small company. Pleasant enough to work with, if a bit low in pay. Whatever, I negotiated and agreed to that. What I did NOT agree to was the removal of my name from the writing I did. I noticed it a couple of months ago when I was rebuilding my portfolio for a new job. I never signed a waiver giving up ownership, so that’s still my IP. Emailed a month and a half ago trying to appeal to their better nature, just asking for my name to be reapplied as credit on the work, and was ghosted. No response. Emailed again today as a follow up, giving them one more month to resolve the issue before I start looking at taking legal action. Suddenly within the hour I get a response. Funny how it took the threat of a lawyer…

I did some freelance writing last year for a small company. Pleasant enough to work with, if a bit low in pay. Whatever, I negotiated and agreed to that. What I did NOT agree to was the removal of my name from the writing I did. I noticed it a couple of months ago when I was rebuilding my portfolio for a new job. I never signed a waiver giving up ownership, so that’s still my IP.

Emailed a month and a half ago trying to appeal to their better nature, just asking for my name to be reapplied as credit on the work, and was ghosted. No response. Emailed again today as a follow up, giving them one more month to resolve the issue before I start looking at taking legal action. Suddenly within the hour I get a response.

Funny how it took the threat of a lawyer to get an answer. Fellow freelancers, know your rights.

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