
Former Employer is Lying to Unemployment

I re-located 100 miles about a year ago to take a job in my field. This was the only job in my field within 50 miles so it was a bit risky. One of the biggest mistakes I've ever made. I dealt with working 9 hour shifts with no break, improper equipment or cemplete lack of, wage theft, denied a copy of my contract and paid time off, had to run the business alone numerous occasions, and was rebuffed twice when I tried to get a day off for a court summons. After being questioned why I had to go to court and being told it was ridiculous to go for a parking ticket, I put in my 2 weeks on Tuesday March 29th. My court date was set for Tuesday the 12th of April and my usual shift was Tuesday – Saturday, I thought giving my 2 weeks on…

I re-located 100 miles about a year ago to take a job in my field. This was the only job in my field within 50 miles so it was a bit risky.

One of the biggest mistakes I've ever made. I dealt with working 9 hour shifts with no break, improper equipment or cemplete lack of, wage theft, denied a copy of my contract and paid time off, had to run the business alone numerous occasions, and was rebuffed twice when I tried to get a day off for a court summons.

After being questioned why I had to go to court and being told it was ridiculous to go for a parking ticket, I put in my 2 weeks on Tuesday March 29th. My court date was set for Tuesday the 12th of April and my usual shift was Tuesday – Saturday, I thought giving my 2 weeks on the 29th meant that I'd work that week, and the next so my last day would be Saturday April 9th. My boss lied and said giving 2 weeks meant calendar weeks and I still had to come into work on the 12th. I should have told him to f*ck off then and there, instead I said I could compromise and come in for a couple hours on that last day.

Since there are no other jobs in my field in my area I applied for unemployment. After 13 weeks of filing, making phone calls, and job searching, my claim was denied.

My boss denied I ever signed a contract, and lied about giving me time off because I did leave early on the 12th. I was asked to come in that day as a 'favor' to the owner and because I was 'nice' I've been without income for over 3 months and ineligible for unemployment. I'm going to appeal, but I'm not hopeful.

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