
Former job but can anyone relate to this experience?

I worked for a small restaurant business in a lower tier support role. I was good at my job (not exactly difficult, just kept moving and staying on top of things) which essentially led to me not being promoted because they wanted me right where I was. The 2 owners would very frequently text me on days I wasn't scheduled, asking me to come in and cover someone for a myriad of reasons. I almost always did it, because I needed money, and there was the power dynamic at play where it was clearly implied that my refusal would be held against me in the future. On the rare occasions where I couldn't make it in, if I called or texted trying to call off, the bosses would insist that I contact my coworkers myself “because it's YOUR responsibility to get your shift covered.” Of course, being asked by an…

I worked for a small restaurant business in a lower tier support role. I was good at my job (not exactly difficult, just kept moving and staying on top of things) which essentially led to me not being promoted because they wanted me right where I was.

The 2 owners would very frequently text me on days I wasn't scheduled, asking me to come in and cover someone for a myriad of reasons. I almost always did it, because I needed money, and there was the power dynamic at play where it was clearly implied that my refusal would be held against me in the future.

On the rare occasions where I couldn't make it in, if I called or texted trying to call off, the bosses would insist that I contact my coworkers myself “because it's YOUR responsibility to get your shift covered.” Of course, being asked by an equal as opposed to a superior makes it much easier to say “No”; there are no consequences and if they say “yes”, you will now personally owe them a favor.

One day I got fed up and when asked to come in, I simply replied, “Sorry, I can't.” Recieved back “REALLY?!” Then a few minutes later, “Ok.” Next time I came in to work, training for a promotion to serving I had fought to be scheduled for had been taken away.

I was bitter but it was ultimately the kick in the ass I needed to get the hell out of there.

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