
forming a new state

Because of the high cost of medical help and the low pay that many receive, I'm asking for armed folks to join us and form a new state. We can demand as Americans that our country care for us and that we receive a liveable wage. We are armed, so we can protect ourselves. We will need help building infrastructure for emergencies, but the deep pockets of the US government should help. We are in North Carolina. South of Raleigh. We want all folks who are tired of slaving for nothing. Race doesn't matter… If it does to you, you aren't welcome. We want the people to be well… Not the corporations.

Because of the high cost of medical help and the low pay that many receive, I'm asking for armed folks to join us and form a new state.

We can demand as Americans that our country care for us and that we receive a liveable wage.

We are armed, so we can protect ourselves. We will need help building infrastructure for emergencies, but the deep pockets of the US government should help.

We are in North Carolina. South of Raleigh. We want all folks who are tired of slaving for nothing. Race doesn't matter… If it does to you, you aren't welcome.

We want the people to be well… Not the corporations.

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