
Found out I’m being MASSIVELY underpaid

Hello everyone, Long story short – I accepted a position about a month ago without doing the salary research (because the offer was substantially more than I was making at the time). Since then I’ve found out I should be making around $25k more. Few things that work in my favor here – I know the position was open for a very long time (over a year I believe) because they couldn’t find a qualified candidate. So that gives me negotiating power. I’ve also referenced what people in my position with similar qualifications/experience are making. Secondly, I have aggregate data about salaries for similar positions in the area, and I’m $21,000 below the average (I’ve saved this data in case I need to show it/reference it). Secondly, I’m verbally fluent and assertive. I’ve thought about my arguments all the way down to the bottom. My issue now is timing -…

Hello everyone,

Long story short – I accepted a position about a month ago without doing the salary research (because the offer was substantially more than I was making at the time). Since then I’ve found out I should be making around $25k more.

Few things that work in my favor here – I know the position was open for a very long time (over a year I believe) because they couldn’t find a qualified candidate. So that gives me negotiating power. I’ve also referenced what people in my position with similar qualifications/experience are making. Secondly, I have aggregate data about salaries for similar positions in the area, and I’m $21,000 below the average (I’ve saved this data in case I need to show it/reference it). Secondly, I’m verbally fluent and assertive. I’ve thought about my arguments all the way down to the bottom.

My issue now is timing – I’ve only been at this job for a month. I guess I’m just trying to decide when I should press this issue – now, or in a few months when I’ve established myself more in the position. In the meantime, I’ve had a few employers hit me up offering me closer to the range I should be making here (and one I applied to was much higher).

What do you all think I should do? Thanks.

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