
Found Out My New Job Didn’t Offer Quarantine Pay The Hard Way

I just started a brand new job about three weeks ago, working for your standard big box retail store. A handful of days ago I called out sick one morning because I have horrible seasonal allergies and I felt like garbage. Turns out, my job calls me back and says I have to quarantine for 10 days, which sucks cause I can't go to work and make money (cause I'm already struggling financially as it is) but then they proceed to tell me that they don't offer any COVID pay and it's up to the employee to use the resources that they have in order to cover their time quarantined from work. Turns out those “resources” was my Holiday Pay that I was granted as a new employee. So long story short, I ended up having to burn through 4-5 days of my Holiday Pay after having just started just…

I just started a brand new job about three weeks ago, working for your standard big box retail store. A handful of days ago I called out sick one morning because I have horrible seasonal allergies and I felt like garbage. Turns out, my job calls me back and says I have to quarantine for 10 days, which sucks cause I can't go to work and make money (cause I'm already struggling financially as it is) but then they proceed to tell me that they don't offer any COVID pay and it's up to the employee to use the resources that they have in order to cover their time quarantined from work. Turns out those “resources” was my Holiday Pay that I was granted as a new employee. So long story short, I ended up having to burn through 4-5 days of my Holiday Pay after having just started just so that I can hope to have a decent paycheck. Which really sucks because then I won't have any for the end of this year. Crazy how there's a work culture of “even when you're sick you're forced to go in anyway for fear of loss of money” like shouldn't employers be more forthcoming about assisting their employees in times like this? Or am I just crazy?

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