
Found out our paycuts today

Found out our payrises today, below inflation of course, our workloads have increased roughly 50% as of last week and I'm too damn anxious and depressed to keep looking for another job. Im not having children because of the absolute mess the world is in, because i cant give them a better life than mine. Im never going to retire or enjoy the comfort of knowing im safe under a roof i own. Ive lost so many friends to suicide, all i can think anymore is how fucking selfish, that could have been me. Im not going to do it but ive worked out how i would. Im not nearly the worst off, how does everyone keep going? I've been telling myself one more step forward my entire life and at nearly 30 the system has broken me so many times. Probably not the right sub to post in and…

Found out our payrises today, below inflation of course, our workloads have increased roughly 50% as of last week and I'm too damn anxious and depressed to keep looking for another job.

Im not having children because of the absolute mess the world is in, because i cant give them a better life than mine. Im never going to retire or enjoy the comfort of knowing im safe under a roof i own.

Ive lost so many friends to suicide, all i can think anymore is how fucking selfish, that could have been me. Im not going to do it but ive worked out how i would.

Im not nearly the worst off, how does everyone keep going? I've been telling myself one more step forward my entire life and at nearly 30 the system has broken me so many times.

Probably not the right sub to post in and I've rambled so i apologise, thanks for taking the time to read i guess.

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