
Friend is thinking about resigning from his job, what are his option?

A friend of mine is about to resign from his job (they have him working full time hours as a part timer and he's currently trying to get full time benefits because of it). If he doesn't get the benefits, he's probably gonna quit. My questions are: ​ If he puts in a two weeks notice and they tell him it's fine, he doesn't have to work the remaining days but he wants to work those two weeks, what can he do? Is this technically a notice of termination? Does he have a case of any kind (in Texas) being a part timer and getting worked 40+ hours a week consistently? ​ This is all assuming his job is gonna try to screw him on something. My question is, if they don't give him the benefits, what steps should he take to ensure he gets the best possible exit?

A friend of mine is about to resign from his job (they have him working full time hours as a part timer and he's currently trying to get full time benefits because of it). If he doesn't get the benefits, he's probably gonna quit. My questions are:

  • If he puts in a two weeks notice and they tell him it's fine, he doesn't have to work the remaining days but he wants to work those two weeks, what can he do? Is this technically a notice of termination?
  • Does he have a case of any kind (in Texas) being a part timer and getting worked 40+ hours a week consistently?

This is all assuming his job is gonna try to screw him on something. My question is, if they don't give him the benefits, what steps should he take to ensure he gets the best possible exit?

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