

I'm just fed up. My coworker, with whom I share a office applied for a position that makes him my boss. I think, that he is a complete miscast since he has a hard time to communicate properly, but I'm willing to give him a chance. We currently work on a project together, which is basically self running at this point and he's taking every tiny bit of work from it, so I'm left with absolut nothing to do at all. At the same time he has started to control me as my new boss, which is easy as we are still sharing the same office. I went to someone higher up, when my new boss is going to get his own office, but they informed me, that is not going to happen at all. At the same time I asked for something to do, but they informe me, that…

I'm just fed up. My coworker, with whom I share a office applied for a position that makes him my boss. I think, that he is a complete miscast since he has a hard time to communicate properly, but I'm willing to give him a chance. We currently work on a project together, which is basically self running at this point and he's taking every tiny bit of work from it, so I'm left with absolut nothing to do at all. At the same time he has started to control me as my new boss, which is easy as we are still sharing the same office. I went to someone higher up, when my new boss is going to get his own office, but they informed me, that is not going to happen at all. At the same time I asked for something to do, but they informe me, that I have my project. It is not possible for me to work from home.

I'm stuck with absolutely nothing to do all day at work and a controlling supervisor. What can I do to change this? I'm thankful for input.

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