
FTC is asking how we feel about the mergers of large corporations…..

PSA that the FTC and the antitrust division of the Justice Department are asking for public comment on how we feel about corporate behemoths merging into even larger corporate behemoths (shafting their employees and customers). Everyone should tell them how we really feel about our corporate overlords, here's the link: Also, you don't need to take my word for it, Matt Stoller did a great breakdown on this that you can find here. Please take the time to make a public comment if you can, we need to send a message that the public will no longer tolerate getting screwed while our corporate overlords rake in billions of dollars in profit. Time to bring back prosecution for the prosperous.

PSA that the FTC and the antitrust division of the Justice Department are asking for public comment on how we feel about corporate behemoths merging into even larger corporate behemoths (shafting their employees and customers). Everyone should tell them how we really feel about our corporate overlords, here's the link:

Also, you don't need to take my word for it, Matt Stoller did a great breakdown on this that you can find here. Please take the time to make a public comment if you can, we need to send a message that the public will no longer tolerate getting screwed while our corporate overlords rake in billions of dollars in profit. Time to bring back prosecution for the prosperous.

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