I'm a university student currently applying for grad jobs and schemes, and so many of the applications contain behavioural assessments to test your natural abilities or whatever bullshit they measure.
and they piss me the fuck off, because I hate the idea that I'll be cut out of a role because stupid, arbitrary parameters that I can't predict or know about. they tell you before you do them that 'there are no wrong answers', when there are wrong answers, because its a system by which they use to cut you out of the process.
I wish companies would understand that if you pay me, I will fulfil the role you need me to fulfil, if you pay me to flexible, I'll be flexible, if I agree to work to deadlines, I will work to deadlines. for example, one I just did has you rank your opinions from 1 to 5 or whatever, with one end being like 'I will always stick to deadlines no matter what,' with the other being 'I'm more free flowing and open with deadlines', and I'm like 'I can be both people, just tell me what you fucking want me to do and I'll do it!'
On another level, its a really fucking degrading process, because these tests I don't feel accurately reflect who you are as a person. How am I going to express my complex ideas about things on a sliding scale, you're drawing false conclusions based upon standard answers. You are then sent really fucking condescending feedback about how they view you, and you're meant to 'improve' yourself based upon it. It's an inherently capitalistic notion that you have to be a 'perfect fit' for a role in every aspect of your being because it implies that you and your role are one and the same, and that its an inherent aspect of your identity, not just a fucking job.
I also feel they screen out people who will challenge authority and set personal boundaries. When I was sent my feedback, they told me that I was showing signs of not being very 'adaptable', when what they really mean is that I'm not willing to overwork myself or cause myself burn out by taking on too much work. These things look for people who are happy to give over their entire lives to the machine, because they can exploit them for the most work. These behavioural assessment tests are designed to cut out people who aren't as vulnerable to the capitalist propaganda machine.