
Fuck dealerships. Just got fired.

Well, technically I just got sent home pending investigation but I'm not going back. Fuck 'em. I worked for a dealership as their title clerk. My job was to make sure customers got their title paperwork in a timely manner. Most of the time, I was able to accomplish this. But the DMV makes everything such a goddamn nightmare. I think they purposely reject things just to extort more money out of us. Anyway… I work for a dealership in Kansas. I have been dealing with trying to register a customer's paperwork in Texas and the DMV won't lift a finger to help. They have rejected the paperwork three times, but won't respond to emails or phone calls when I try to reach out for help. Every time I get the paperwork back, there is some other miniscule problem with it that wasn't there before. So naturally the customer is…

Well, technically I just got sent home pending investigation but I'm not going back. Fuck 'em.

I worked for a dealership as their title clerk. My job was to make sure customers got their title paperwork in a timely manner. Most of the time, I was able to accomplish this. But the DMV makes everything such a goddamn nightmare. I think they purposely reject things just to extort more money out of us.

Anyway… I work for a dealership in Kansas. I have been dealing with trying to register a customer's paperwork in Texas and the DMV won't lift a finger to help. They have rejected the paperwork three times, but won't respond to emails or phone calls when I try to reach out for help. Every time I get the paperwork back, there is some other miniscule problem with it that wasn't there before. So naturally the customer is pissed that he doesn't have tags for a car he is making payments on, I would be too. He called and complained to someone whose name is on the side of the building threatening to return the car because I'm not doing my job well enough. So because of that, I got sent home. My manager did not even try to get my side of the story, didn't let me explain how much of a nightmare it has been trying to register this fucking car. I just get sent home and told they'll call me and let me know if I still have a job.

Fuck that, I'm not playing that game. I'm just going to start putting in applications elsewhere and not look back, block their number. If they want to make the understaffing problem even worse then by all means. Definitely don't work in the office staff of a dealership.

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