
Fuck multimillion dollar companies

I like to snoop this sub from time to time and remind myself that I’m out of my “shitty jobs” era, that is until I started with my current company. I work in tech. The Industry is competitive as hell and companies go above and beyond for employees. I recently switched positions to a new company where they pride themselves for all the mental health support they provide employees. While this might not seem like your average horror story, it completely changed the way I view this company and I am ready to leave my employer. I discussed with my manager that I have been taking sick days due to PTSD that is related to Sexual assault. Things have been difficult and my performance is showing that. I asked what the options were for potentially taking a week off to work on myself and recharge. My manager showed no empathy…

I like to snoop this sub from time to time and remind myself that I’m out of my “shitty jobs” era, that is until I started with my current company.

I work in tech. The Industry is competitive as hell and companies go above and beyond for employees. I recently switched positions to a new company where they pride themselves for all the mental health support they provide employees.

While this might not seem like your average horror story, it completely changed the way I view this company and I am ready to leave my employer.

I discussed with my manager that I have been taking sick days due to PTSD that is related to Sexual assault. Things have been difficult and my performance is showing that. I asked what the options were for potentially taking a week off to work on myself and recharge.

My manager showed no empathy and reminded me that I was on probation (the company I work for doesn’t do probation).

Additionally, she said I don’t have vacation accrued and would Run out of sick days soon so I had to suck it up and come to work. I reported this to HR who were ready to support me in taking sick leave.

I’m so tired of feeling like a number. The lack of empathy and support from a leader in a company that preaches support for mental health is unbelievable.

I already have interviews lined up with other tech companies that better suit my career goals.

Know your worth and never fucking settle.

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